Steer prices up, cows reach top price of $780

Agents yarded 516 head at the Northern Rivers Livestock Exchange regular prime sale on Wednesday, May 17.

Young cattle and cows were well supplied in a mixed quality line up of cattle. Most of the young cattle went to restockers in a market that was firm to a cheaper trend, depending on quality and breed. 

Cow prices saw a drop on last week averaging 186c/kg and reaching a top price of 230c/kg.

Heifer prices were easier with lighter stock up to 250kg averaging 217c/kg and topping at 254c/kg. Heavier heifers over 250kg averaged 237c/kg and reached a top of 300c/kg.

Bull prices were marginally stronger with 13 head sold averaging 221c/kg and 809kg.

Steer prices were dearer with lighter stock up to 250kg averaging 326c/kg and reaching a top of 394c/kg. Heavier steers over 250kg averaged 307c/kg and topped at 362c/kg. A small number of bullocks sold on the day averaged 267c/kg and reached a top of 270c/kg.

Ray White Rural held a store sale at the NRLX on Friday, May 19 with 428 head going under the hammer.

Steers topped at 370c/kg and averaged 313c/kg and 255kg while heifers reached a top of 264c/kg and averaged 239c/kg and 229kg. Cows reached a top price of $780 and cows & calves topped at $2320. PTIC heifers reached a top of $1310.

Ramsey & Bulmer and T&W McCormack will hold a store sale at the NRLX on Friday, June 2.

NRLX business administration coordinator Tegan George

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