Strong market for restocker weaners and vealer steers

ABOVE: Cows for sale at the NRLX. Photo: NRLX

NRLX agents yarded a total of 737 head at the Northern Rivers Livestock Exchange prime sale on Wednesday, January 12.

Young cattle made up the largest percentage of the yarding with a small penning of cows. The offering of young cattle consisted of a good supply of vealers and weaners and a fair penning of yearlings.

Quality was good with mainly well conditioned and well bred cattle throughout the sale. The market was very strong with restocker weaner and vealer steers selling from 600c to 950c for light weights, whilst the restocker vealer heifers sold from 528c to 898c/kg.

Light well bred calves toped at 1,034c/kg. Restocker and background yearling steers sold from 500c to 680c, and the heifer portion ranged from 576c to 636c/kg. The smaller yarding of cows was mixed.

The market was slightly easier compared to pre Christmas sales with some regular processors not operating. Medium and heavy cows ranged from 360c to 380c/kg.

Market Reporter Doug Robson

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