Brian Fitzgerald snapped these birds around Evans Head.
He wanted to remind any budding bird watchers or photographers of the abundant bird life in Evans Head.
“Here’s a few I have taken over the last few months,” Brian said.
Can you guess the names of the 24 birds?
Answers at the bottom.
Bird 1
I’m usually looking for a good feed in a pair or in a noisy flock of up to seven birds.
Bird 2
I am found in eastern and northern Australia, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.
Bird 3
I am a species of passerine bird.
Bird 4
I am a water-dependent bird of prey.
Bird 5
I like to live in a rainforest and eat fruit.
Bird 6
I am related to butcherbirds and magpies.
Bird 7
I am one of the largest nectar-feeding birds in the world.
Bird 8
I am have a distinctive yellow tuft behind my eye.
Bird 9
I am named after my distinctive eye.
Bird 10
I live in a monogamous pair.
Bird 11
I am known for my bare, black head
Bird 12
My bright colours are unmistakable.
Bird 13
I am one of the smaller members of the cuckoo-shrike family.
Bird 14
You might call your mate after me.
Bird 15
I am a medium-sized raptor aka birds of prey.
Bird 16
I’m one of the fantails.
Bird 17
I’m also called a mickey bird or soldier bird.
Bird 18
I make you laugh, don’t I?
Bird 19
Because I like grevilleas, banksias and other flowering native shrubs I am common in your garden.
Bird 20
My tail is distinctive, so too my colours.
Bird 21
Call me, Fifty Shades of Brown.
Bird 22
I can mimic mobile phone rings and dogs barking.
Bird 23
I grow to 16cm.
Bird 24
I mainly like to eat insects.
- Blue-faced honeyeater
- Leaden flycatcher male
- Leaden flycatcher female
- Eastern osprey
- Wompoo fruit dove
- Pied currawong
- Red wattlebird
- Brown honeyeater
- Silvereye
- Little friarbird
- Noisy friarbird
- Rainbow lorikeet
- Varied triller
- Spangled drongo
- Brown goshawk
- Willie wagtail
- Noisy miner
- Kookaburra
- Little wattlebird
- Variegated fairy-wren male
- Variegated fairy-wren female
- Pied butcherbird
- Eastern yellow robin
- White-browed scrubwren
If you got less than 5 birds correct
You should have listened more at school. Make up for it by downloading a bird identification app – and get outside and learn about those things with feathers.
Between 5 and 10 birds
You know a bit about birds but need to put in more effort. Join a bird watching club and find out not only how the birds look, but the sounds they make and more.
If you got more than 10
Pretty good bird brain. You’re on my trivia team. You obviously enjoy nature. Still more to learn especially about the more unusual birds.
More than 20 correct
You are THE birdwatcher. People ask your advice – what bird is that? – people ask as you walk down the street. Man, you know your birds.