Susanna Freymark
When Chad Morgan came to town, the pub filled with people keen to hear him sing his famous song The Sheik of Scrubby Creek.
It was quite a night.
That was in November 2022 and Casino singer Josh Powell Fussell was there to see Chad perform at the Dog n Bull in Bonalbo.
On the way to Bonalbo, Josh composed a draft of a song to celebrate Chad’s upcoming 90th birthday.
That song – When Chad Morgan Came to Town – is released as a single tomorrow on radio and on streaming platforms on Saturday, January 27.
Josh sang the first draft of the single to Chad that night in Bonalbo.
It was a sweet moment for Josh because when he was six years old, Chad gave him his first cassette.
Josh grew up in Annandale, Sydney in a one-room unit. His mother was caretaker of the units where they lived and Josh’s father worked on the railway.
Chad came to stay at the Sydney units and gave young Josh the cassette of country music.
“I’ve still got it,” Josh said.
Chad is turning 91 next month and When Chad Morgan Came to Town is a tribute to the man and his long career in music.
These days, Chad has arthritis and he had to cancel a Tamworth Country Music Festival appearance this year because of illness.
Josh has worked on the song since he met up with Chad in Bonalbo. He teamed up with Pixie Jenkins and Manfred Vijars to create the single.
Pixie has played the full version to Chad who said it was the best tribute song he’s ever heard.
The song mentions Bonalbo, Woodenbong and Bottle Creek.
Josh performs regularly and was recently nominated for a Dusty Boots Award for contributions to Australian Country Music.
Go to Josh’s Facebook page to find out more about the song release and Josh’s performance dates.