ABOVE: The road into Casino from Lismore even looks pretty at night. Photos: Susanna Freymark
Susanna Freymark
The main streets of Casino would look different if it wasn’t for the trees that are lined up in the centre of Walker and Barker streets. These trees were planted in 2010.
In Barker St, you’ll see river cherry trees and in Walker St there is a lush row of Waterhousia also known as the weeping lilly pilly. These native rainforest trees grow from 10m-30m.

At the different entry points to Casino, plenty of planting has taken place and the young trees are starting to become more noticeable.
On the Lismore Rd are rows of crepe myrtle. They are fast growers and as they get bigger they will make for a colourful entrance to Casino.

On the Kyogle Rd, you’ll see the slender silhouette sweetgum also known as the liquidambar as you drive onto Casino.
The Grafton Rd has flame trees planted on each side and as they mature will look spectacular.
On the Casino-Coraki Rd are the pin oaks. Your great, great grandchildren will see these fast growing trees that live up to 200 years. Its name comes from its short, tough branchlets located along the branches and limbs.
Coming into Casino on the Bruxner Hwy from Tenterfield there are the skinny columnar poplars. They’re looking a little scrawny at the moment but they too are fast growers. Poplar trees are a common American native tree and live up to 50 years.

Along the Coraki- Woodburn Rd are more flame trees that have the capacity to grow up to 3om high. The scarlet flowers of the flame tree are unmissable, hence the name.
In Evans Head there are 22 hoop pines in Woodburn St at the front of the cemetery.
Recently jacaranda trees were planted in Murray St in Rappville. The jacaranda has been declared an invasive weed in parts of Australia yet is also loved for its fragrant, purple blossoms. The main issues around jacarandas are if they are planted in the wrong place.

This greening of the entries to towns is part of the Richmond Valley’s Council’s Community Strategic Plan to improve town entrance planting.
Imagine how spectacular these entrances will look in ten years’ time.