One bridge closed, other will take four weeks to repair

View from Broadwater Bridge of the sugar mill.

Broadwater Bridge will be closed to traffic for emergency repairs from 10am-3pm tomorrow, Monday, October 16.

Access to Broadwater will be through Woodburn, Wardell and the Pacific Motorway.

Another bridge is getting work done too, on the Summerland Way, Leeville.

Essential maintenance work will be done on the Thomas E Llewellyn Bridge, Leeville starting tomorrow and will take four weeks to complete.

Transport for NSW will be working under Thomas E Llewellyn Bridge removing vegetation, doing earthworks, scour repair, placement of new scour rocks and installing erosion protection.

Work will be done from 7am–5pm on weekdays and from 8am–1pm on Saturdays.

The work will generally be carried out under the bridge and will not affect traffic, however single lane alternating traffic flow arrangements and a reduced speed limit of 60km/h will be in place when installing and removing temporary barriers to secure the work area.

For the latest traffic updates download the Live Traffic NSW app or call 132 701.

Cane fields at the end of Broadwater Bridge. Photos: Susanna Freymark

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