UPDATE: Major flooding of Richmond River expected at Woodburn at 4pm today, March 31

ABOVE: The extent of flooding at Coraki today, March 31. Photo: Damian Cross

Flood waters along the Richmond River combined with inflows from the Wilsons River have resulted in major flooding along the Richmond River at Coraki and Bungawalbin.

Moderate flooding is occurring at Woodburn with river levels likely to peak near the major flood level of 4.2 m this afternoon, Thursday, March 31.

The main flood peak is now passing through Coraki and Bungawalbin where river levels are approaching a peak with major flooding.

At Casino river levels have peaked just below the minor flood level of 9.2m.

River levels at Wiangaree and Kyogle remain below the minor flood levels.

A major flood warning is current for the Wilsons River at Lismore.

Richmond River:

Major flooding is occurring along the Richmond River at Coraki and Bungawalbin. Moderate is occurring at Woodburn with major flooding possible.

The Richmond River at Casino Road Bridge peaked around 9.10 metres at 4 am this morning and is slowly falling below the minor flood level of 9.2m.

The Richmond River at Coraki is approaching a peak near 6.9m with major flooding.

The Richmond River at Bungawalbyn is approaching a peak near 5.50m with major flooding.

The Richmond River at Woodburn may peak near the major flood level of 4.2m early Thursday afternoon.

For more emergency information, advice, and access to the latest river heights and rainfall observations and forecasts go to:


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