Vote for John Burley – a man who listens to the community

This is a paid election promotion.

John Burley with his dog Tex at his farm in Kyogle. Photo: Contributed

John Burley has been a councillor for 12 years – three of those years as deputy mayor.

His dedication to the community and his professionalism in the role is unquestionable.

“I’m very strongly community-focused,” John said.

He is proud of the volunteer organisations in Kyogle LGA and is still involved in sports through his grandchildren.

After the turmoil of the last term in council, John is running in the election because he can make a difference.

He wants to see important projects finished for the community. This includes the Health & Wellbeing Hub AKA the sports centre at the swimming pool site. He wants residents to be able to swim all year round in a heated pool.

“Our Memorial Pool area has great opportunities to be a place for families during the heat,”  he said.

John also wants to see more facilities for women’s sports in Kyogle.

“What facilities do we have besides the netball courts at Anzac Park?”

The development of the Toonumbar Dam is another project John wants to see happen.

John and his wife Kathy live on acreage in Kyogle.

John has strong ties with state and federal MPs but is not biased towards any party.

He believes having good council staff is essential.

“We are the biggest employer in the LGA. It is vital staff are respected and we must make sure we can attract good staff who are motivated.”

John is known for being calm, open, trustworthy and level-headed when it comes to decision making.

He wants the new council to have a good mix of elected councillors including women and young people.

“I support Olivia Taylor in Ward B and Kieran Somerville in Ward A,” he said.

The most important thing about John as a councillor is that he will listen.

“I have a proven track record and I’ve never had a Code of Conduct in all my time on council.”

John has been a delegate for the business chamber and he supports all cultures and reconciliation.

His financial record is solid.

“When I came onto council our budget was $3million. Now it is $53million,” he said.

“It’s time we started spending on infrastructure.”

John is running in the election again because he wants to see the bridge project and the Clarence Way completed.

He believes the arts and culture in the LGA is a way to attract more tourists.

The council’s Climate Change policy is important to improve the community’s resilience and agriculture.

“You can’t be left behind,” he said.

As far as a new general manager goes, John wants to see a GM who lives in the community.

A dedicated family man who listens to his community is a win for Kyogle and deserves your vote if you live in Ward B.

Authorised by Kyogle Council Ward B candidate John Burley, 420 Afterlee Rd, Kyogle NSW 2474.

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