WEEKEND QUIZ: 2021-11-06 Bert Newton had a nickname. Do you know it?

Here’s the weekend quiz from John James Maloney

1 What was the affectionate nickname given to the late great Australian broadcaster Bert Newton?
2 In what year did television broadcasts start in Australia?
3 What was the biggest selling book by JM Barrie?
4 What animal has a breed Chow Chow?
5 Which local government area is Uki in?
6 What was the real name of bushranger Captain Thunderbolt?
7 What type of creature is the endangered Australian forty-spotted pardalote?
8 Which British prime minister was married to Clementine Ogilvy Spencer?
9 Is it wetter or drier in Australia during a La Nina event?
10 The first deputy premier of NSW, Lieutenant Colonel Sir Michael Frederick Bruxner, was born in which Northern Rivers location?
Answers below the picture
1 Moonface.
2 1956.
3 Peter Pan.
4 Dog.
5 Tweed Shire.
6 Fred Ward.
7 A bird.
8 Sir Winston Churchill.
9 Wetter.
10 Tabulam.

WEEKEND QUIZ 2021-10-30: Got it! Test your brain, and your friends



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