WEEKEND QUIZ 20220226: It’s not what you know but Who you know

Ten questions from Quizmaster John James Maloney

1 What is a hearth?

2 In what local government area is Ghinni Ghi?

3 What type of animal was the cartoon character Pepe Le Pew, first seen in a 1945 Warner Brothers short?

4 In what book was Aramis a character … The Thirty-Nine Steps; The Three Musketeers; Seven Little Australians; or 101 Dalmatians?

6 What musical instrument was Django Reinhardt famous for playing?

7 Where on the human body is Darwin’s point?

8 Recently Hannah Green became the first woman to do what in sport?

9 On what continent is Zanzibar?

10 What does the Latin phrase bona fide mean?

Answers below this cheeky fella.


1 The base of a fireplace – usually made of stone or brick.

2 Kyogle.

3 Skunk.

4 The Three Musketeers.

5 Dr Who.

6 Guitar.

7 It’s a small bump on the upper edge of the ear.

8 Win a mixed gender professional golf tournament.

9 Africa.

10 Genuine.

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