WEEKEND QUIZ 20220402: Know your ostriches from your Humphrey Bears

Quizmaster John James Maloney has ten question for you this weekend. See how many you get right.

1 Which Australian sports star was nicknamed the King of Spin?

2 Who recorded the hit single Girls Just Wanna Have Fun?

3 Texas is a town in what state of Australia?

4 The thistle is an emblem of what country?

5 This was a very well-known line: “We’ll all be rooned,” said Hanrahan, “If this rain doesn’t stop.” Which Australian poet wrote it … Banjo Paterson; John O’Brien; Henry Lawson; or Adam Lindsay Gordon?

6 What type of book is the classic Larousse Gastronomique?

7 Singer Demis Roussos sold over 60 million albums. Which country does he come from?

8 What is a cowrie?

9 How long did it rain for in the Bible story of the flood and Noah?

10 Ernie Carroll who died recently was behind which TV icon … Mr Squiggle; Ossie Ostrich; Big Dog; or Humphrey B Bear?

Answers below this simmering pic of Demis Roussos.


1 Shane Warne.

2 Cyndi Lauper.

3 Queensland.

4 Scotland.

5 John O’Brien (the pen name of Monsignor Patrick Joseph Hartigan, Catholic priest).

6 A cook book.

7 Greece.

8 A sea snail that leaves behind beautiful shells.

9 40 days and 40 nights.

10 Ossie Ostrich.

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