Go to our What’s On and find out where to go and what to do.
The dog trials and Heritage Weekend are on at the Casino Showground this weekend.
Find out more about the UN-Real exhibition at Cassino Gallery in Barker Street, Casino.
Our listing is only as good as the information we receive. If you know of an event email indynr.com@gmail.com with the following information:
Name of event
Date it starts and date it ends
Start and end time of event
Location of event with street address
Costs associated with event or is it free?
Is it a one-off or regular event?
Any other information about food, what’s happening etc.
Contact person for publication – can be an email or phone number or both
Photo to go with the event- if you don’t have one, we’ll find one
It costs nothing to list your event – we see it as a community service. The clearer your information is, the easier it makes it for us to list it.