ABOVE: Floodwaters in Woodburn are yet to drop significantly. Photos: Paul Stanley-Jones
Susanna Freymark
Paul Stanley-Jones is still at the evacuation centre at the Woodburn Public School after evacuating his Woodburn home on Tuesday, March 1.
He reckons he will be there a few more days.

Paul was one of many from Woodburn and Evans head who have used their boats and tinnies to rescue stranded people.
“We have managed to evacuate all medical dependent people to Evans Head or the rescue helicopter, and have about 100 people left here,” Paul said.
“The river has peaked but is not receding as yet. Still at 7 metres which is 2 metres above the previous biggest flood.”
No one would have ever imagined what has happened, he said.
Until floodwaters recede at Woodburn and Broadwater, any recovery efforts are hampered.
We are thinking of you all in Woodburn, Broadwater and Coraki.
Here’s the photos sent in today by Paul showing how high the floodwaters still are.