Working dogs make their trials undercover as championships wrap up

The placegetters at the Working Dogs Trails at Casino Showgrounds.

Susanna Freymark

For three days, working dogs and their owners competed for a prize pool of $18,000 at the state titles at Casino Showgrounds.

The NSW Working Stock Dog State Championships finished today, Sunday, July 21.

Organiser Ben Gould.

Organiser Ben Gould said it was the first time the event had been held at the new undercover arena at the showgrounds.

The elevated seating, out of the sun, made viewing the dog trials easier for the audience, Ben said.

Casino is the backdrop to the dog trials.

He is keen to see Casino host the Australian Working Dog Championships.

Last year the national event was at St George (Queensland) and the year before it was in Scone, he said.

Setting up a photos of winners, judges and organisers.

An application is in for it to be held in Casino.

Wyatt Judd from Queensland won the Australian Open at St George and in Casino, he was awarded first place with Riverside Jerry in the Novice Final.

Wyatt Judd wins the Novice Championship with Riverside Jerry.

Across the three days there were 380 runs, Ben said.

“The community is what makes it, we have a lot of good sponsors,” he said.

Here are the results from the trials and more photos below.

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