Our Quizmaster John James Maloney has 10 new questions for you.
1 What is the word in the Nato phonetic alphabet for the letter X?
2 Zagreb is the capital of what nation in Europe?
3 The eastern grey is the most common variety of what Australian animal?
4 What is the meaning of the word gnarly `such as in surfer culture?
5 Which element is the better conductor of electricity, copper or tin?
6 Who wrote the classic novel The Count of Monte Cristo?
7 Who won the Best Actress Academy Award for her role in Roman Holiday opposite Gregory Peck?
8 Which duo had a hit with Homeward Bound?
9 Which British car brand is known for its Defender offroad vehicle?
10 Which TV sitcom series used as its theme song I’ll Be There for You?

2 Croatia.
3 Kangaroo.
4 Has almost opposite meanings, depending on the user and how they use it. Can range from excellent and exciting – gnarly ride, dude – in Australian surf culture to describing something as dangerous, difficult, unpleasant, awful or even ugly in America.
5 Copper.
6 Alexandre Dumas.
7 Audrey Hepburn.
8 Simon & Garfunkel.
9 Land Rover.
10 Friends.