Yarding increases to 2000 head at NRLX cattle sales

Numbers increased at the NRLX in Casino with a yarding of 2000 head.

Weaner cattle were in larger numbers and there was a good supply of cows. 

The yarding of young cattle consisted mainly of vealers and weaners although there was only a few pens of yearlings offered. 

The market was cheaper however buyers from Queensland and the Tablelands kept prices more stable this week on some lines. 

Restocker weaner steers were 10c cheaper selling from 236c to 356c for an average of 311c/kg. 

Restocker weaner heifers were down by 10c to 15c ranging from 170c to 282c with medium weights averaging 226c/kg. 

There were only a few yearlings, steers topped at 290c and the yearling heifers sold to 240c/kg.

The yarding of export cattle was made up mainly of cows, with a limited supply of grown steers and heifers. 

Grown steers topped at 255c and grown heifers sold to 265c/kg.

There were increased numbers of plain cows yarded this week in a cheaper market which was down by 10c. 

Medium weight 2 score cows sold from 140c to 170c while 3 score medium weights averaged 168c and 4 score cows ranged form 188c to 213c/kg.

Report compiled by Doug Robson from Meat & Livestock Australia

Read all cattle reports on IndyNR.com here.

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