Op shop volunteers like to keep the helicopter in the air

Patricia, Kay and June at the op shop in Barker Street, Casino. (They have a lot of hats)

Susanna Freymark

For some of the volunteers at the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Op Shop, it’s an easy decision to help out at the Casino shop.

”I like to keep the helicopter in the air,” one volunteer said.

Coordinator Kay Latta has volunteered at the Barker Street op shop for six years.

”I love it here,” she said.

The shop has been raising funds for the rescue helicopter for more than 20 years.

”I’ve made a lot of friends, and you get to know everyone in town.

”We have a laugh.”

The op shop has jumpers, coats and a special on beanies costing $1 each. There are toys, books, kitchenware and much more.

What the op shop needs is more volunteers.

If you’d like to offer your time to help sort clothes, work at the till, iron clothes or serve in the shop, drop into the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Op Shop in Barker Street, just up from the post office.

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