IndyNR editor
Susanna Freymark
I’ve been a journalist for more than 20 years.
I started as a cadet at the Northern Star, worked at News Corp in Sydney as education editor and then came back to Lismore to work at APN.
I was editor of the Richmond River Express Examiner for almost five years and when News Corp closed the paper, I became editor of the Richmond River Independent for more than a year until covid economic circumstances closed the community-owned paper.
Not wanting the area to be without local news, I started this website. Our stories create a narrative history of our region. And news from Kyogle and Richmond Valley needs to be told.
I am committed to balanced and fair reporting and believe news should be free and available to everyone.
If you want to contact me about a story or an issue you think should be covered email me at indynr.com@gmail.com
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Find out more about our progress and growing reader numbers here.
Get in touch: email indynr.com@gmail.com
Our subeditor and general dogsbody Michael Burlace started out in journalism on the Daily Telegraph in Sydney in 1971 and has since worked for multiple publications and done a few other things. He also handles most of our tech needs.
John James Maloney is our Quizmaster. Every week he comes up with 10 questions to test our reader’s knowledge. He usually chucks in a music questions and something ‘very local’.
Debbie Reid is responsible for the range of recipes on indynr.com I still haven’t got over her first recipe published here – the Mars Bar Slice.
Bullgoose remains nameless (sorta). He writes a weekly humour column that confounds, confronts, amuses and sometimes totally messes with your mind.
This news site is owned by IndyNR Pty Ltd.
The director of the company is the editor of this site Susanna Freymark.
All news content on this site is written or approved by Susanna Freymark.
Any opinion piece is clearly marked as such.
All advertising is displayed in such a way that it is clearly an advertisement. Any commercial content where that is not obvious has a notice that it is advertising or sponsored content. This notice is in italics and is displayed at the beginning of the sponsored piece.
All paid promotions are marked as such so there is no confusion for the reader between editorial and paid promotions.
The site and its employees have no affiliations with any political groups nor with any financial support.
Advertising brings in revenue and there have been two media grants given to IndyNR.com since it began in September 2021 – one was from the Walkley Foundation Meta Facebook Fund and the other from the Department of Regional NSW.
A small amount has come in from donations from generous supporters.
None of this money influences how we cover the news. That always remains independent.
Any potential conflict of interest is declared.
We do our best to discover the full truth in every story.
If the content on the site is ever produced by artificial intelligence, that will be disclosed in a way that is very clear to the reader.
For our ethics statement, go here.
Contact us on indynr.com@gmail.com

Responsibility for electoral comment on this site is accepted by Susanna Freymark, 93 Barker St, Casino NSW 2470
Copyright: All content on IndyNR.com – including news stories, photographs, advertising material and artwork – is copyright and may not be used in part or full without the written consent of Susanna Freymark via indynr.com@gmail.com