Red Cross group turns 110 as war memorial relocated from pod village site

Wardell Red Cross group rededicates a World War I memorial found at Wardell. Photos: Contributed

One month after the declaration of war on September 4, 1914,  the women in Wardell formed a Red Cross branch in Victoria Hall (the hall is now demolished).

More than 100 members signed up. Together, they formed a ‘cutting out’ committee and various garments were sewn for the soldiers.

In the November of that year, Red Cross Headquarters requested eggs to be sent to hospitals at the front. Money was sent to Lismore to fund a travelling kitchen and motor ambulance.

Each month a donation of eight pounds was sent for Prisoner of War food parcels. The funds were raised through events such as flower shows, Euchre parties, dances, tea tents at sporting events and others.

Over the years the enthusiasm of members has not changed only the events have changed in how Red Cross raises money.

In 2024, Wardell Red Cross still upholds the Seven Fundamental Principles of Red Cross – Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary Service Unity, and Universality – as the members did so 110 years ago.

Wardell Red Cross circa 1915.

Today, there are 22 members in Wardell.

Wardell Red Cross secretary Jane Sproule said, “our records show that over the past 15 years we have raised over $41,000 for appeals such as drought, fire, Christmas, Nepal, Myanmar, Fiji, Indonesian and Winter.”

“We donated a defibrillator to the Wardell Hall, helped the women’s refuge in Ballina, supported local youth program and handed out vouchers in the 2022 floods.”

The Wardell group comprising of Jeannee Spears, Ros Walsh, Jeannette Henwood, Paddy Goff and Jane Sproule aim to continue with the tradition of Red Cross for as long as they can with the support of the community.

“It has been an amazing 110 years,” Jane said.

The group helped relocate a 1925 World War I memorial when the pod village at Wardell was being constructed.

The original memorial was relocated to a plinth in a tranquil space in Bath Street.

On Wednesday, August 7 a rededication was conducted in a service led by Reverend Richard Brown. Wreaths were laid and visitors, including the grandson of one of the original Wardell Red Cross members and other branch representatives attended.

The Wardell Branch of the Red Cross welcomes new members to meetings held on the first Wednesday of each month at 10am in the Wardell Memorial Hall, Richmond St, Wardell.

This information was provided by the Wardell Red Cross.

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