CK corners community’s need for connection and Centrelink access

Kylie Martin runs CK Corner at Tabulam.

Susanna Freymark

The village of Tabulam has its own CK Corner with a cafe, a shop selling local produce and art and an access point for Centrelink.

Kylie Martin has run the CK Cafe for almost 10 years.

The same block of land where the cafe is has a building that was used as a co-operative run by the community for many years.

When the co-operative closed, the building sat empty.

Kylie bought the block and opened CK Corner.

There is a designated corner with a desk where people can use the computer for Centrelink applications and inquiries. There is a direct phone line to Centrelink that will be answered within 10-12 minutes.

The access point for Centrelink at CK Corner.

Kylie had training with Service Australia to be eligible to have the access point at CK Corner. It’s useful for residents who would otherwise have to travel to Casino or Tenterfield.

The shop also has plenty of local products.

“Ninety-five per cent of the products are locally made, owned or produced,” Kylie said.

Local artist Jim Turner has his books about animals and trains for sale at the shop.

Jim Turner’s books are for sale.

There is honey, coffee, nuts, olives, avocadoes, eggs and whatever else is supplied by locals.

The Little Brothers Monastery in Tabulam has its range of jams and relishes there too.

Kylie has plenty to get on with while she is at the shop.

“I’m here doing the nuts and bolts to run the cafe – the books, ordering food, I still do all of that, I’m just not physically cooking.”

There is a huge community calendar on the veranda and community bookshelves where anyone can take and bring a book.

CK Corner is open 9am–5pm on Monday to Friday.

Local honey and eggs for sale at CK Corner.

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