‘I saw it on the Indy’ – we work in words and our numbers tell a story

Susanna Freymark

Two years ago, I started IndyNR.com with sub editor Michael Burlace assisting in this digital adventure.

IndyNR.com began after the Express Examiner and then the Richmond River Independent had folded.

I still miss the feel of a newspaper in my hands – but fortunately I don’t have to miss the news – local news from Richmond Valley, Kyogle and areas nearby.

IndyNR.com grew from the two of us anxiously assembling the website as fast as we could on launch day to an audience of 8000 in the first month.

And then from those few thousand readers the numbers grew to a height of 45,000 readers during the floods – digital news was and is the way to go.

The name IndyNR.com came from The Independent with NR added to cover Northern Rivers.

People wanted free local news and here it was in their hand on mobile, on their tablets on the couch while they watched television or on their desktop computer.

During last year’s floods, reader numbers grew to 45,000 a month. As well as keeping locals informed through hundreds of stories, there was a lot of outside interest in how the area was coping with the flood disaster.

The floods tab on IndyNR.com features stories from the 2022 floods right up to today.

Online news meant we could respond quickly to flood updates. Being focussed on local means that today we continue to advocate for flood recovery on a local level.

We have tab on the website that features all the flood stories. And if you want to see the film IndyNR.com made about the floods, you can watch Tinnie Heroes here.

In my rounds of Richmond Valley and Kyogle events I hear people say “I saw it on the Indy” or have a look at the story on IndyNR.com

In its 25th month, IndyNR.com sits comfortably at 20,000–25,000 readers each month. The page views are high – between 60,000–70,000 each month. That’s a lot of reading. That’s a lot of news stories.

We have published almost 2500 stories so far. Stories about you and where you live.

We have sections for easy reading – Lifestyle with humour, recipes, quizzes; What’s On; Stories about the Arts, Environment and Farming; Sports, Funerals, Tributes and news about Kyogle Council and Richmond Valley Council.

Is there a section you’d like to see on the website? Let us know by emailing indynr.com@gmail.com

Regular contributors John James Maloney (quiz), Bullgoose (column) and Debbie Reid (recipes) are much appreciated.

As are photographers who have contributed work – JW Media, Daniel Cohen, Daniel Keogh and Hollie Mariconte. Thank you to all the readers who have shared their photos and stories.

Find all the farming stories in one place at the Farming tab.

It is clear from the numbers that people want local news. Our aim is to make the news free and accessible to everyone.

How do we get money to do that? Advertisers. Without them we can’t bring you that much local news.

Because advertisers support us, we support them through getting more eyes on their business through IndyNR.com and our Indy Facebook page.

We’d like to take a moment to thank each of them.

They are:

Atkinsons Removals

Bonalbo Australia Day Committee

Bonalbo Bowling Club

Bonalbo Dog Fest

Boolangle Land Council

Casino Beef Week

Casino Christian School

Casino Golf Club

Casino Lions Farmers Market

Casino RSM Club

Casino School of Arts

Casino Truck Show

Cassino Art Gallery

Central Vet Clinic

Commercial Hotel Casino

Community Carers

Corey Sullivan Excavations

Essential Energy

Evans Head Bowling Club

Evans Head Business School

First National Casino

Geogen Pty Ltd

GHD Bentley Quarry


Janelle Saffin

Kevin Hogan

Kyogle Business Chamber

Kyogle Council

Kyogle Lions Club

Kyogle Show

Kyogle Together

Kyogle Writers Festival

Leeville School

Mallanganee Progress Association

McAuliffe Dance Studios

Momentum Collective

North East Waste

Northern Rivers Reconstruction Corporation


NSW Government

Politics in the Pub


Richmond Valley Council

Rotary Kyogle Bazaar

SEC Newgate Water NSW

Sommerville Funeral Home

Southview Orchard

Summerland Giant Pumpkin and Watermelon Festival

Sydney Hotshots

Village Hall Players

Watling & Bates

Westpac Rescue Helicopter

Plus, we had many election ads from candidates running in council, state and Federal elections.

Local stories at your fingertips.

We share our news stories on our Facebook page, Twitter (X) and we share photos on Instagram. Follow us to keep up to date with local news.

If you know someone who hasn’t found IndyNR.com yet, let them know where to go to get their free, local news.

And here’s how you can advertise to support local, independent media and we can support you through the reach to our audience.

On the job at Tabulam race day on September 30, 2023.

Welcome to Richmond Valley and Kyogle news

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