COVID: Testing clinic set up at Kyogle hospital for long weekend

A covid testing clinic has been set up on the Kyogle Memorial Hospital grounds and will operate over the long weekend.
The testing clinic will be open from 9am to 3pm today and on Monday.
You are required to wear a mask and practise social distancing, you will need your Medicare card with you. Do not enter the main entrance of the hospital.
During the week there is a drive-through testing clinic at the Amphitheatre Park next to the Kyogle Visitors Information Centre.
No new lockdowns were announced for the region today.
Today’s covid report
Of the 667 locally acquired covid cases newly reported to 8pm last night,  six are from Northern NSW LHD.
Two  in Lismore, three in Tweed and one case in Kyogle.
The Kyogle case was reported yesterday but included in today’s count.

NSW Health’s ongoing sewage surveillance program has detected fragments of the virus that  in sewage samples from Tweed, Kingscliff and Banora Point.

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