Cow prices hold firm, lighter steers drop

Agents yarded a total of 1,935 head at the Northern Rivers Livestock Exchange regular prime sale on Wednesday, May 4. 

Young cattle made up the largest percentage of the yarding although grown cattle numbers increased considerably to make up a third of the sale numbers.

Cow prices held firm this week averaging 345c/kg and reaching a top price of 390c/kg. 

Heifer prices were easier with lighter heifers up to 250kg averaging 617c/kg and topping their category at 778.2c/kg. Heavier heifers over 250kg averaged 437c/kg and reached a top of 614c/kg.

Bull prices were back with 20 head sold averaging 335c/kg and 812kg. 

Lighter steer prices also saw a drop this week with those up to 250kg averaging 646c/kg andreaching a top price of 858c/kg.

Heavier steers over 250kg were dearer averaging 579c/kg and topping their market at 680c/kg. A large number of bullocks sold on the day averaged 410c/kg.

Vealer prices held firm to slightly dearer this week with lighter vealer up to 250kg averaging 671c/kg and reaching a top of 890c/kg.

Heavier vealer over 250kg averaged 573c/kg with a top price of 668c/kg.

Ian Weir & Son held a store sale at the NRLX on Friday 6 May with 1,170 head going under the hammer. 

Steers topped their category at 796c/kg and averaged 613c/kg and 246kg whilst heifers reached a top of 770c/kg and averaged 585c/kg and 210kg.

Cows reached a top price of $2,500 whilst Cows & Calves topped their market at $3,375. A pen of top quality PTIC Brangus heifers sold by Gary Savins of Nashua were awarded top price of the day at $4,750 per head.&

Ray White Rural held an Angus and Angus Infused Breeder Sale on Saturday, May 7 with 274 head going under the hammer. 

Cows reached a top price of $2,800 while Cows & Calves topped their market at $4,250. Top price for the day went to a pen of 8 PTIC heifers sold by Merrick Blok for $4,525 per head.

George & Fuhrmann will hold a store sale at the NRLX this Friday, May 13 with 1500 head booked. Further bookings are welcome.

NRLX business administration coordinator Tegan George

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