The perils of cow pat lotto: Cows miss the numbers and poo in the street

ABOVE: Cow pat lotto in Walker St, Casino during Breakfast with the Butchers. Photos: Susanna Freymark

It’s a bit of fun as well as a fundraiser for Bentley Community Preschool.

Bentley farmers Gordon and Janelle Serone bring two cows to Breakfast with the Butchers in Walker St every year as part of the Beef Week program.

They set up a huge lotto mat on the road and people buy a number. The money goes to the preschool.

Cow pat lotto always draws a large crowd. Perhaps it is the novelty of the gamble on cow poo. Or the uncertainty of a farm animal doing what it does – or does not.

In the lotto ring waiting for the cow to do its ‘thing’.

Last year, the two cows failed to poo at all.

This year it looked like a repeat and as the cows left the lotto mat area, one of them decided to ‘let loose’ in the street.

The ensuing mess of a runny cow pat lotto gone rogue made most people laugh.

Maybe next year things will go to plan. Pick a number.

Find out what is happening tomorrow, on Beef Week Saturday.

Oops! Where’s the mat?

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