Keep May 17–18 free because Kyogle will be brimming with words and stories.
IndyNR.com is thrilled to be a media partner with the Kyogle Readers and Writers Festival this year.
There is something about a readers and writers festival in a town like Kyogle. It’s friendly, accessible and relaxed.
There is much to see this year and one of the special guests is host of ABC’s Gardening Australia Costa Georgiadis who will be in conversation with Angela Catterns, presenter of ABC North Coast’s Saturday Breakfast program.
Costa will be talking about his book Gardening for the Soil, Soul and Suburbs and his lifelong passion for all things horticultural.
Other festival highlights include conversations with Melissa Lucashenko, Mirandi Riwoe, Ellen van Neerven, Daniel Browning and Tim Baker.

Astronomer Duane Hamacher will discuss his book The First Astronomers with Deadly Scientist Corey Tutt.
Panels will explore topics as diverse as the influence of gardening books and magazines on Australian gardening styles and fashions, First Nations writing, the writings of Australian snake man Eric Worrell, non-mainstream therapies and transitioning to a more ethical society.
There are plenty of workshops to choose from including self-publishing, self-editing, performance poetry and creative resilience.
For poetry lovers, a special event, Page and Stage, will showcase written and spoken word poetry.
This year’s festival runs across Friday, May 17 and Saturday, May 18.
The program and tickets are available here.
IndyNR.com will be bringing lots of news about the festival, and we can’t wait to hear what all these writers and poets have to say.