Increased weight of young cattle improves quality

NRLX agents yarded a total of 1,058 head at the Northern Rivers Livestock Exchange prime sale today, Wednesday, February 9.

Young cattle were once again well supplied, and there was a good yarding of grown cattle.

Quality of the young cattle was good with increased weight in the cattle this week, consisting mainly of well finished vealer steers and heifers taken directly off the cow.

There were some good runs of well bred cattle, however there was also a fair number of cross bred steers and heifers through the sale.

The market remained strong with restocker vealer steers selling from 620c to 870c, while the restocker vealer heifers ranged from 600 to 900c and calves toped at 1,002/kg.

Restocker and feeder yearling steers sold from 550c to 632c depending on weight and breed, and the restocker yearling heifers ranged from 492c to 622c/kg.

The yarding of export cattle consisted of increased numbers of bullocks and steers, several pens of grown heifers, while there was a very good yarding of cows.

Competition was strong with heavy bullocks topping at 426c to process and feeder grown steers sold to 508c/kg. Grown heifers sold to 426c/kg to process.

The cow market was firm to slightly dearer, with improved quality and yield helping prices.

Medium weight 3 score cows averaged 369c, and heavy cows reached a top price of 391c/kg.

Market Reporter Doug Robson

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