Influx of cattle onto market taking a toll on prices

The influx of cattle coming onto the market is taking a toll on prices for all classes of cattle. 

There were 1934 head yarded at the NRLX on Wednesday, April 17 with the main increase being in the young cattle section.

Quality of the young cattle was fairly good with a large percentage going to restockers. 

Restocker weaner steers and heifers were 20c to 30c cheaper, depending on quality. 

Restocker weaner steers sold from 240c to 375c for an average price of 334c/kg.  Restocker weaner heifers sold from 216c to 296c and vealers to process ranged from 214c to 255c/kg. 

Yearling steers followed a similar trend selling from 246c to 308c/kg. 

The export market could not escape the downward trend in prices with grown steers selling from 236c to 272c to be down by 20c/kg. 

Grown heifers reached a top price of 252c/kg.  The cow market took the biggest fall to be down by 40c to 50c, with 2 scores selling from 130c to 185c and 3 score medium weights averaging 190c, while 4 score cows ranged from 192c to 214c/kg.

Report compiled by Doug Robson from Meat & Livestock Australia with comments from Casino Auctioneers Association president Mark McCormack.

Photo of the NRLX at a previous sale. Photo: Contributed

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