It takes a lotta lakes to raise a quiz

Quizmaster John James Maloney has a lake or two on his mind. And in his questions.


1 On what dry lake in South Australia did Donald Campbell set the land speed record in his car Bluebird?

2 Salt Lake City is the capital of which American state?

3 What TV series had the location Fountain Lakes?

4 Lake Como is in which European country?

5 Famed for a hairstyle that she often wore covering part of her face, who was Veronica Lake?

6 Lake Street is in which Northern Rivers town?

7 In 1977 what band had the hit Fanfare for the Common Man?

8 Which actor played Tracey Turnblad in the 1988 movie Hairspray and at 24 was the youngest person to host a syndicated talk show in America?

9 Lakes Entrance is a popular holiday and fishing port in which Australian state or territory?

10 What is the Scottish word for a lake?

Some of you don’t believe I exist – but here I am.


1 Kati Thanda–Lake Eyre.

2 Utah.

3 Kath and Kim.

4 Italy.

5 A popular Hollywood actor in the 1940s and 1950s.

6 (North) Lismore.

7 Emerson, Lake and Palmer.

8 Ricki Lake.

9 Victoria.

10 Loch (also refers to a sea inlet).

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