Locals can fuel up again at Broadwater, Coraki stations

ABOVE: Srinivasa Rao Mundra stands out the front of the Liberty Service Station in Broadwater. Photos; Susanna Freymark

Susanna Freymark

Like many in Broadwater Srinivasa Rao Mundra “lost everything.”

Srinivasa runs the Liberty Service Station in Broadwater. He lives in the accommodation above the station.

On the night of the floods on March 1, he had to climb out of the top floor window to escape the rising floodwaters.

The Liberty Service Station during the floods. Photo: Srinivasa Rao Mundra

Eleven weeks later, Liberty has opened again and the locals are thrilled, Srinivasa said.

He has been busy. There has been the flood clean up, painting the interior of the shop and fixing electrics.

The underground petrol tanks were watertight and have been checked by authorities.

While Srinivasa can serve petrol, he is busy restocking the shop with soft drinks and other goods. The shop will be ready to open by June 20.

In the meantime, mail is being handled by a mobile Australia Post van outside the shop. The hours are Monday to Wednesday 1-3.30pm.

The mobile Australia Post van at Broadwater.

“It’s all about getting back to normal,” Srinivasa said.

Residents have had to travel to Ballina for fuel since the floods so a service station back up and running in Broadwater is welcome.

Coraki’s petrol station has reopened for petrol.

The BP Service Station at Broadwater is closed.

The Caltex in Woodburn remains closed.

Coraki Service Station is open

Broadwater BP remains closed.
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