Man charged over $35k theft from RFS

A man has been charged following an investigation into a theft from a fire brigade on Clarence Way.

Police were told the man, 46, allegedly stole $35,000 worth of equipment including chainsaws, generators, firefighting equipment, and communications equipment from Fine Flower in April.

A property on Stockyard Creek Road, Stockyard Creek was searched yesterday, Wednesday, August 30 and items believed to been stolen were found including firefighting equipment, a chainsaw, a petrol blower, medical and communications equipment.

The search also allegedly revealed a firearm, 2.2kg of cannabis, 652g of cannabis seeds and seven cannabis plants.

The items were seized and will undergo forensic examination.

The man was arrested and taken to Grafton Police Station.

He was charged with two counts of possessing a prohibited drug, cultivating prohibited plants, receiving and disposing of stolen property, possessing an unregistered firearm.

RFS training day. Photo: Susanna Freymark

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