Meet the five candidates for Ward A in the Kyogle Council Election

Here is what the ballot paper for Ward A will look like.

All 17 candidates running in the Kyogle Council Election have been offered free editorial on to introduce themselves so you can get to know them a little better before you vote.

Because there are so many, we are presenting them by their wards. Here are the five candidates in Ward A.

More candidate profiles and election stories can be read here.

Kieran Somerville

Age: 40

Lives: Toonumbar

Job: farmer/environmental consultant

My name is Kieran Somerville. I was born in Kyogle. I am 40 years old and live in Toonumbar.

I have an Honours degree in Environmental Management from UQ and a Graduate Diploma of Regenerative Agriculture from SCU.

I work as an environmental consultant and I co-manage a third generation farm. I care for the land, sheep, cattle and wildlife.

I am running for council because I want a seat at the table where decisions are made.  I am ready to represent our diverse community and make a contribution. I enjoy working with people. I believe that challenges can open the door to opportunity.

The decisions we make now will affect future generations. As the climate changes we need to adapt and find new ways to do things.

We need well thought out projects that will benefit Kyogle and its community.

What happens on the farm affects the town, and what happens in town affects the farm. We need to promote our local businesses, arts and culture. I have worked as a professional photographer and I really appreciate the depth of talent on display in Kyogle’s shops and galleries.

We need to protect both our natural environment and community assets.

Janet Wilson

Age: 76

Lives: Kyogle

Job: Retired

I am committed to restoring trust in our Council by respecting the guiding principles of the Local Government Act.  Acting with fairness, without bias and cronyism and making sure that council is a responsible employer through legal, ethical and transparent decision making that puts people first.

I will respect residents’ rights to be heard and to expect a stable, affordable and accountable council.

My decisions will be clear, truthful and honour the work of council staff, volunteers and those who work to create a stronger community.

I support initiatives in food security, rebuilding the Arts and culture industries, protecting the Koala population and native habitats considering the needs of farmers and food producers in a changing climate

Working towards improved engagement with the Bundjalung communities and the role they play in caring for country and supporting the tourism industries through sharing their culture are important areas I wish to engage stronger focus on. 

Governance is critical to how well services are delivered and puts residents’ needs at the centre of decision making.  It builds trust and respect between administration, staff, Council (the body of councilors) and residents and I hope if reelected on to Council I will be able to strive for progressive council based on trust.

Brett McNamara

Age: 58

Lives: Wiangaree 

Job: retired regional manager, national parks. 

Brett comes to this electoral process with absolutely no baggage.

He is standing as a true Independent. He firmly believes that you stand and fall on the values, morals, and ethics of what you represent – and the life experiences you can offer.

Brett is not aligned to any block, group, cluster – call it whatever.  He won’t be issuing How-to-Vote cards or telling you about preferences. Brett is offering a different perspective, a fresh approach.

What Brett will do is to listen.

He will speak with his fellow candidates; he will step outside of the echo chamber and listen to all voices –especially your voice.  

If elected Brett will work collaboratively with his fellow councillors, seeking consensus, collaboration, and cooperation for your best interests.  Brett is standing to represent you. To be your voice. To be your advocate.

What Brett is offering is a refresh, a fresh perspective – all with no baggage.  He brings teamwork skills to reshape a council chamber that cares about its people, and cares about its community.

Brett’s vision for Kyogle is a caring place to raise a family. A caring place to grow old.  A place for artisans, and creators.  A place to connect with nature. A place for business success filled with successful rural families.

Find out more about Brett here and on his Facebook page.

Naomi Worrall

Age: 55

Lives: Kyogle

Job: Cake-baker and flower-grower at Season & Whim  

I moved to Kyogle in 1986. Kyogle was my first home as an adult, where my children were born, and a part of my heart has remained.

I love Kyogle, not only for its spectacular and unique natural beauty but also the truly lovely people. It really is “the friendly town”. 

When I moved back after the 22 floods, Kyogle Council was facing a crisis of confidence.

Decisions had been made that impacted community members negatively, but they were denied an explanation; locked out of their own council.  

The people of Kyogle deserve better than that. 

My experience has equipped me with the knowledge, skills and understanding necessary for good governance.  My situation affords me the opportunity to offer these resources to give back to our community. So, I put up my hand.  

I stand for ACCESS, not only to democratic decision-making, but to amenity crucial to well-functioning communities: Housing, transport, health, education, community services and opportunities to make a living.

I stand for ADVOCACY for all the things that make this community vibrant and unique: our natural and cultural heritage, arts, community activities, sustainable innovations.

I stand for ACTION to achieve these outcomes, and this starts with good governance. 

Party affiliation: Member of ALP but running as independent.  

Doug Layton

Age: 72

Lives: Kyogle, Wollongong, Whyalla, Kyogle

Job: Retired Metallurgist- Technical Sales Engineer in Refractories.

I spent nearly ten years in the Steelworks at Port Kembla after completing a traineeship with them during that time I was handling their refractory stocks and purchases for many millions of dollars being critical to the continued operation of the steelworks.

 After that I was employed by refractory companies up to my last placement in Whyalla, SA servicing the steelworks where I designed BOS vessel, ladle  linings and continued to monitor trials and use of the materials supplied.

This is my first foray into being a councillor and I hope a new outlook will be good to carry the council further in the future.

I would like to see the ongoing bridge and road upgrades as well as making our town and environs a better place. I would like to see more native trees planted on the entrances to town and a removal of all weed trees and growths. We are a rural and tourist town and these have to coexist.

I will listen.

More candidate profiles and election stories can be read here.

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