Not much room for a horse in a Gold Coast apartment, high scoring HSC student says

ABOVE: Issy Ennever is already at the Gold Coast waiting for university to start. Photo: Contributed

Susanna Freymark

Issy Ennever’s life changed today when she received her ATAR score and found out she was on the highly distinguished honours list for HSC.

The Casino High School student has already moved to the Gold Coast as she waits to hear about the course she will study at Griffith University.

With an ATAR score of 98.15 and featuring on the honours list for mathematics advanced and extension, biology and investigating science, Issy is almost guaranteed a place in a degree course for biomedicine.

“I had a great biology teacher who inspired me,” Issy said.

Her interest was sparked by her high school teacher, and then grew when she did a tour of the Griffith University campus and saw the science labs and facilities.

Her main interest is biochemistry and neurology and in particular the research aspects of those subjects.

After her three-year degree, Issy plans to become a Doctor of Medicine which will take another five years of study.

Issy lived at Fairy Hill after spending much of her childhood at Yorklea riding horses.

“I’m still into horses,” she said.

“But there’s not much room to keep a horse in an apartment on the Gold Coast.”

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