Online petition started to save 110 year old community hall

Leeville Hall was seriously damaged in last year’s floods.

A decision was endorsed at the Richmond Valley Council meeting on Tuesday, December 20 to demolish the hall.

And many residents are not happy about that decision. They want the 1914 community hall repaired.

Shane Henderson has started a petition to save the hall.

The Save the heritage Leeville Community Hall online petition has 92 signatures.

“We, the Leeville community ask that council reconsiders their decision to demolish the Hall, and further explore the available options such as raising, relocating etc,” Shane said.

“Once these old country halls are gone they can never be bought back, just like the memories and stories they hold.”

Sign the petition here if you want Leeville Hall saved.

Residents want to save century-old hall. Council wants to demolish it

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