Quick recovery response for communities impacted by October bushfires

Bean Creek fire has burned 1214 hectares and remains at Advice level.

The government has acted quickly to offer assistance to communities who experienced bushfires this month.

The LGAs eligible for disaster assistance include Kyogle and Tenterfield.

Bushfire impacted communities, landowners, farmers, and primary producers will be supported in the clean-up and recovery.

Assistance available includes:

Help for eligible people whose homes or belongings have been damaged

Support for affected local councils to help with the costs of cleaning up and restoring damaged essential public assets

Concessional interest rate loans for small businesses, primary producers and non-profit organisations and freight subsidies for primary producers.

For information relating to financial assistance, replacing lost documents, location of your nearest recovery centre and more, contact Service NSW on 137788 or visit nsw.gov.au

To apply for a concessional loan or primary producer grant, contact the NSW Rural Assistance Authority on 1800 678 593 or visit www.raa.nsw.gov.au

This assistance is jointly funded by the Australian and State Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements

Further information is on the Australian Government’s Disaster Assist website.

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