Spread some Christmas joy for kids doing it tough

ABOVE: Kylie Watts and Sharyn Orr with the Kyogle Family Support giving tree – gifts can be any size or shape, just as long as they are age-appropriate. Photo: Contributed

Christmas is weeks away but to ensure that people in need also get some joy, one service is seeking gifts already.

Each year Kyogle Family Support Service has a giving tree in its office. There are tags with gender and age on the tree so people can donate an appropriate gift.

The tree is where you can donate for the children of the families the service supports.

Anything you give will be passed on and can take some of the financial and emotional strain off that family.

Any person or organisation is welcome to take a gift in and attach a suitable tag to it.

You can also leave a gift for an adult and the centre is happy to take donations of money or suitable food.

Kyogle Family Support Neighbourhood Centre is at 8 Geneva St, Kyogle.

And this is not about handouts. The service values self determination in its clients and delivers early intervention through supported parenting groups, family work, case management, community hub, referral services and a Centrelink agency.

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