Tabby races are back after 4-year gap

The Tabulam races are back on. Photo: Contributed

It’s been a long time between races.

The last race at Tabulam Racecourse was in 2019 – two years of covid and two years of wet weather cancelled race days.

This year the Tabulam Cup Races are back with the new date of Saturday, September 30.

Race club president Tim Dougherty said this is the first time the race day will be held in September.

“Usually it’s the first Saturday after the Melbourne Cup,” Tim said.

“Racing NSW asked us to find a new date.”

Tim said the race day at Tabulam is a unique experience with many people camping at the site for several days.

Camping for four days costs $30.

“It’s a completely different race to anywhere else,” he said.

“It’s a very relaxed, party-type atmosphere.”

For camping inquiries call Milton on 6661 3531. Book race tickets here.

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