WARNING: Boil your water if you live in Casino and surrounds, effective immediately

Residents in Casino and surrounds who have their water supplied from the Casino Water Treatment Plant are advised to boil water before consuming, Richmond Valley Council has advised.

Water sourced from the Richmond River has experienced high turbidity levels following recent rain. This poor source water has resulted in the inability to reliably purify the water.

As a precautionary measure, the council requests that all residents who source their water from the Casino Treatment Plant boil the water for the uses noted below.

  • Water used for drinking or food preparation should be brought to a rolling boil to make it safe. Kettles with automatic shut off switches can do this. Water should then be allowed to cool and stored in a clean container with a lid and refrigerated.
  • Bottled water or cool boiled water should be used for drinking, washing uncooked food, such as salad vegetables and fruit, making ice, cleaning teeth, gargling and pet’s drinking water.
  • Dishes should be washed in hot soapy water or in a dishwasher.
  • Children should take bottled water or cool boiled water to school.

The council’s water treatment team is working hard to rectify this issue as a priority.

The boiled water alert will stay in effect until Richmond Valley Council and NSW Health are confident there is no longer a public health concern.

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