Susanna Freymark
A large truck provided the stage in the show ring at Kyogle Show. Ruby Stafford sang the national anthem.
Then, emcee Jasmine Phillips announced the winners and runners-up for the Tiny Tot, Junior Jackaroo and Jillaroo, Teen of the Year and the all important Woman of the Year.
Olivia O’Reilly from Iron Pot Creek is Kyogle’s Woman of The Year.
The Beef Cattle Section is Olivia’s favourite part of the show.
“I love the atmosphere and the youth involvement,” Olivia said.
Olivia works at Donovan Livestock & Property in livestock administration.
“On a Saturday, you will find me at the Kyogle Soul Pattinson Pharmacy when I work as a pharmacy assistant in the dispensary,” she said.
Reanna Smith from Cedar Point is runner-up in the Women of the Year show comp.
“During my schooling at Kyogle High School, I participated in showing and judging beef cattle which I absolutely loved. I was also lucky enough to participate in the state competition for Junior Judging at the Sydney Royal Show after gaining first place at the North Coast National,” Reanna said.
Well known announcer with dulcet tones Peter Crawford, 81, spoke about taking things easy and his joy of being an announcer of the show.
The rain held off for the announcements and then it was time for the post stripping comp and the lawnmower race.
It was a fabulous day with hundreds coming out to see the show.