20 PHOTOS: Winners of dog trials at Bonalbo Show

ABOVE: Dog trials at Bonalbo. Photo: DC Sports Photography

Here are the results from today’s dog trials at the Bonalbo Show.


1. Dick Chapman with Ben 190 points

2. Robert Johnson with Glen 189 points

3. Robert Johnson with Ada 189 points

4. Wayne Wayte with Shady Acres Heidi 188 points

5. Nathan Brown with Buckol Megan 184 points

6. Geoff McLennan with Bobby 180 points


1. Geoff McLennan with Biddy 196 points

2. Athol Essery with Serrano Turbo 194 points

3. Dick Chapman with Ben 193

4. Robert Johnson with Ada 192

5,6 Dick Chapman with Arnie 187

5,6 Trevor Leslight with Johnny 187


1. Dick Chapman with Ben 196

2. Dick Chapman with Badger 192

3. Phillip Brown with Nil Rain Shazza 191

4,5,6 Geoff McLennan with Biddy 190

4,5,6 Dick Chapman with Arnie 190

4,5,6 Robert Johnson with Ada 190

Bonalbo Show is on all day on Saturday, April 30

Show up for free at Bonalbo Show

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