Trees vs car spaces in Kyogle CBD masterplan

ABOVE: Anne Reardon and planning and environment director Chris White at the drop-in shop on Summerland Way in Kyogle. Photo: Susanna Freymark

Susanna Freymark

There was a mix of responses from residents about the CBD master plan, Kyogle Council’s Suzy Coulston said at the drop-in shop today.

About 75 people came to the empty shop on Summerland Way and viewed  the council’s CBD plans on display. They were invited to give feedback.

Some people wanted the extra trees to cool the streets and others were concerned about the loss of 24 car parking spaces, Ms Coulston said.

On the masterplan, speed limits on the main street would be reduced to 40km an hour.

“A number of people have asked how low can it go,” Ms Coulston said.

There were two towns in NSW trialling 30km an hour in the CBD.

The Stratheden St part of the plan included making the street one-way.

Council’s Planning and Environment director Chris White was at the drop-in to answer questions.

The revised CBD masterplan retains the centre carparking and proposes the creation of a new, landscaped area around the town clock. The tree planting and landscape improvements means 24 parking spaces would be lost in the town centre.

Not everyone was happy about that.

Resident Anne Reardon wanted to leave the CBD as it was.

“We can’t afford to lose car parks,” she said.

The revised CBD plans can be viewed on Kyogle Council’s website, with hard copies available at the council’s administration centre.

Public submissions are invited by Friday, January 21, and can be made via email to or in writing to PO Box 11, Kyogle, NSW 2474.

The main street through Kyogle showing the landscaping around the clock tower.
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