Council meeting to discuss road widening, using renewables and building a saleyard

This section of the Clarence Way is wide and well maintained. Photo: Susanna Freymark

What will be discussed at the Kyogle Council meeting today, Monday, August 14 at 2pm?

Here’s some of the topics on the agenda:

Clarence Way

The widening and straightening of dangerous sections of the Clarence Way through Yabbra State Forest. A 1km section of the Clarence Way north of South Yabbra Rd and the bends at the southern end of the forest are a safety risk because trucks regularly use the road.

Bypass on Gradys Creek Rd

That council seek funding to upgrade the bypass under the railway viaduct near Murray’s Bridge on Grady’s Creek Rod.

Bonalbo MPS

Recent discussions with residents of west of the range communities confirms that outreach programs are scattered and ineffective and something as essential as pap smears for screening for cervical cancer in women now requires patients to travel to other centres such as Casino or Lismore.

The Bonalbo MPS is of very limited use without adequate funding and staff to operate the facility to the limit of its intended purpose.

Council will vote on whether to write to the Minister for Health Ryan Park, State MP Janelle Saffin and Premier Chris Minns to review health services delivered to west of the range communities in Kyogle LGA.

Questions on renewables, contractors and a saleyard complex in Kyogle

Councillor James Murray has asked the council to respond to these questions:

“As the push for renewables progresses, council will face increased pressure on waste resources due to limited life of solar panels and batteries. What strategies are being implemented to deal with this?”

What is the council process with contracted overseers overseeing family members working for contractors or being contractors themselves?

What restrictions would council have on the building of a saleyards complex in Kyogle Shire?

Rezoning of land

Kyogle Council received a planning proposal from Newton Denny Chapelle, on behalf of Roseberry Creek Developments, to rezone part of 45 Anzac Drive, Geneva, from Primary Production to General Residential. Amendment of the minimum lotsize map was also proposed to enable the land to be subdivided into residential allotments.

There has been public consultation on the planning proposal and the Department of Planning and Environment has signed off on the final proposal post-consultation. Council will decide whether to approve the amendment of the Kyogle Local Environmental Plan 2012 to rezone the subject land for residential development. will be covering the meeting and the response to these topics.

Read the agenda here. Public can attend the meeting in person or listen to the podcast, available two or three days after the meeting on the Kyogle Council website.

Kyogle Council stories are all in one place at the link below.


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