Council sacks GM in last minutes of last meeting of the year

This photo was taken at the extraordinary meeting about the general manager in April 2022.

Susanna Freymark

Kyogle Council sacked its general manager Graham Kennett effective immediately at the council meeting today, Monday, December 11.

No reason was given – the discussion about the dismissal was in closed council and not open to the public.

Mayor Kylie Webster led the motion and councillors Maggie May, Rob Cullen, Tom Cooper and James Murray voted to sack Mr Kennett.

Councillor Hayden Doolan said he “felt sick” when he realised what was happening.

Councillors Janet Wilson and Danielle Mulholland were visibly upset at the outcome.

Councillor John Burley had to leave the room for the discussion and the vote because he is related by marriage to Mr Kennett.

Ms Webster deemed the matter urgent and would not allow what she called dissension when Ms Mulholland and Mr Doolan called for a “point of order”.

“What is the urgency of this motion and why must it be considered now?” Mr Doolan asked.

Robin Harley in the public gallery stood up and asked what the urgency was.

Ms Webster refused to answer. 

Mr Kennett will get 38 weeks pay in lieu and is dismissed, effective immediately.

Brett Kelly will be interim general manager until the local government elections in September.

The move to dismiss Mr Kennett shocked many in the room who had no idea that the urgent matter listed at the end of the meeting related to this.

In April last year a meeting was held to sack Mr Kennett and there was a protest by staff outside the council chambers.

Read about that here.

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