Couple set up shop in the most unlikely place

ABOVE: Michael and Karen Schill in front of their shop on Long Gully Rd.

Susanna Freymark

Michael and Karen Schill have set up a shop in the most unlikely place.

A few kilometres along Long Gully Rd is the Drake Community Store.

Five minutes drive away is Drake which has a postal outlet and pub but no shop.

Tabulam’s supermarket is 22km away.

“This is a big step for us,” Michael said.

“No one else is doing it.

We thought, why not help our community, he said.

Long Gully Rd is a winding scenic road following the path of Rocky River. Tourists come to pan for gold in the river.

In 2019, a bushfire on Long Gully Rd claimed two lives. The fire spread and destroyed 44 homes including those in Ewingar.

For Michael and Karen, the fire is a vivid memory.

It melted our metal front door, Michael said.

The RFS crew helped save their house.

Despite the fire coming so close to their home, the couple love where they live and being close to nature.

A year ago, they decided to set up the business next to their house.

The shop is split into two rustic cabins and nearby is shaded seating.

“Farmers come here from 32km away to get milk and bread,” Michael said.

There is a freezer full of ice creams, Michael can make you a coffee and there are hot pies.

There are plans to build a cafe called Yogi’s Cafe, which is Karen’s nickname.

The bread comes from Crumbs Bakery in Casino, the cheese from Bega and the fridge is stocked with Dairy Farmers milk.

The eggs come from the 70 chickens living behind the house.

Campers and locals use the shop, Michael said.

The shop is open seven days a week 7am-5pm.

The entrance to the shop. Photos: Susanna Freymark
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