Donate to help Bungawalbin residents get out of boggy, damaged driveways

ABOVE: The combination of muddy, damaged driveways and losing 4WDs in the floods has made access difficult for Bungawalbin residents. Photo: Contributed

Susanna Freymark

Residents along Bungawalbin Whiporie Rd are stuck.

The rain and floods have severely damaged private driveways and residents can’t get their cars out.

They desperately need help from trades and gravel suppliers to help repair homes and driveways.

Bianca Bowman-MacDonald of Casino based charity Our Two Hands said she knew of a mother with a four-week-old baby girl who couldn’t access a nurse because the family lost their 4WD cars in the floods.

Access has become a serious issue.

“Please don’t forget Bungawalbin. Some of these folks are still stranded by deplorable road conditions,” Bianca said.

“They can’t access donations, are running critically low on supplies and food, and can’t register for grants or support services due to no reception or power. Many of these homes are off grid and without their usual access to power and water.”

Our Two Hands is asking for donations towards the running costs of a large excavator to repair the private roads and driveways from severe flood damage.

The charity has paid to secure a large excavator from Shane Leadbeatter from SnS Excavation and Property Maintenance

“Shane is donating his time and experience to get these roads at the least safe to be driven on, “Bianca said.

Work starts on Friday, May 13 and will continue on Sunday. 

“The excavator was delivered today to Bungawalbin Rd, we covered that cost of $2700 to get it locked in,” Binaca said.

Anyone who has gravel to donate, it can be delivered to 410 Bungawalbin Whiporie Rd as work is starting there so locals can access the donation hub.

Money can be donated to Our Two Hands which will go towards the diesel needed to run the excavator, for road gravel and oil for repairs on a resident’s broken-down digger .

Flag your donation as fuel, gravel or Bungawalbin.


Our Two Hands

Commonwealth Bank BSB 062 519

Account number 10259771

What Bungawalbin residents need most:

Gravel for the boggy driveways

Trades – electricians, plumbers, carpenters to help stabilise homes and get families of tents in this wet weather


Loan of 4WDs to ferry residents to appointments and to access donations

Donations of digger oil can be dropped at 12 Park Lane, Casino and it will be taken to Bungawalbin.

Debbie Johnston on a boat at Bungawalbin during the floods. Photo: Contributed

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