Fancy some kransky from our newest butcher?

ABOVE: Young butcher Andrew Longstaff will be offering something different at his butcher shop in South Casino.

Susanna Freymark

Andrew Longstaff plans to make special smallgoods at his butcher shop in South Casino.

Once he is established at Southside Gourmet Meats he will make his own cabana, jerky and kransky.

Andrew, 23, opened the shop less than a week ago, taking over from Steven Bennett who was a butcher there for 27 years.

Andrew has managed two shops before and is thrilled to have his own butchery.

He said he had “a couple of uncles who were butchers” and his grandfather was a butcher in Sydney.

Andrew grew up on a farm out Moree way.

“I learnt all sorts of things on the farm,” he said.

In his downtime, he likes to go fishing and camping.

He lives in Casino and his shop Southside Gourmet Meats is open 8.30am–5.30pm on weekdays and 8.30am–noon on Saturdays.

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