On the edges of the receding floodwaters millions of armyworms are clinging to blades of grass.
They are surviving the floods and will continue to damage crops and grasses.
The armyworm larvae feed on more than 350 plant species with a preference for grasses.
Elaine Trustum posted photos of the ‘swimming’ armyworms at their farm on the floodplain at Tatham.

Norco Field Officer Bruce Lyle said the armyworms can be sprayed but with “limited success”.
Ibis love them, he said.
A woman commented on Elaine’s Facebook page and said her chickens “just love munching these worms.”
It is yet another issue to deal with as floodwaters recede.
Local Land Services North Coast wrote on their web page that armyworm can eat entire leaves that may be severed from the stem. During crop vegetative stages, large populations can cause severe defoliation, with heavy feeding leaving only the midrib.
The floods have likely displaced the armyworms from wherever they were and farms on the flat, like the Trustums now have them in abundance.
If anyone has a solution to this problem, let email us at indynr.com@gmail.com