ABOVE: Janelle Saffin, Danielle Mulholland, Roz Knights and Tony Lickiss at the Kyogle Food Pantry. Photo: Susanna Freymark
Susanna Freymark
The Kyogle Lions Food Pantry is officially open.
Pantry organiser Roz Knights welcomed State MP Janelle Saffin and Kyogle mayor Danielle Mulholland who cut the ribbon at the new premises on Bloore St in Kyogle.
Kyogle Lions Club president Tony Lickiss said the pantry serves about 270 families on a regular basis.
It’s excellent for Kyogle and is helping those most in need.
A lot of goodwill from local businesses and trades in Kyogle saw the former aerodrome building turned into a mini supermarket.
The Lions Club partnership with the food pantry is a good fit, Mr Lickiss said.
“This is our core belief. Our motto is – ‘we serve’.”
Ms Mulholland said the pantry would help those families doing it tough especially during covid recovery.
Ms Knights and her band of volunteers were busy packing goods and assisting the long queue of people trailing around the shelves of food.
The $40,000 to refurbish the building came from the government’s Bushfire Recovery Fund.