Good supply of cows and a fair penning of grown steers

George & Fuhrmann held their monthly store sale at the Northern Rivers Livestock Exchange today, Friday, November 19 with 1,366 head sold.
Steers topped their category at 964.2c/kg and averaged 681.3c/kg and 270kg.
Heifers reached a top of 808.2c/kg and averaged 630.5c/kg and 251kg. Cows achieved a top return of $2,400.00 while Cows & Calves reached $4,040.00.
T&W McCormack and Ramsey & Bulmer will hold their monthly store sale at the NRLX on Friday, December 3 with over 1000 head booked.
Further bookings are welcome.
NRLX agents yarded a total of 814 head at the Northern Rivers Livestock Exchange prime sale on Wednesday, November 17.
The yarding of young cattle consisted of increased numbers of cross bred vealers and weaners and there was a few more yearlings this week.
Quality was mixed with several lots of well finished and well bred cattle offered, however there was also a fair number of plain conditioned light weaners sold.
The largest percentage of the young cattle went to restockers and backgrounders. There was a good yarding of cows and grown steers.
All the usual buyers were active resulting in the market remaining strong with the only price variations being breed quality related.
Restocker weaner steers sold from 620c to 895c and the light weights topped at 968c/kg.
Restocker weaner heifers ranged from 496c to 755c/kg.
Yearling steers to feeders and backgrounders ranged from 418c to 716c, while the yearling heifers sold from 426c to 658c/kg.
The yarding of export cattle consisted of a good supply of cows and a fair penning of grown steers.
The yarding of bullocks and steers consisted of several pens of heavy weights that were keenly sought after by processors selling to a top price of 448c, while feeder steers topping at 482c/kg.
Grown heifers were in limited supply and sold to a top of 440c/kg.
There was several pens of heavy high yielding cows which sold to a top price of 420c with score 4 cows averaging 404c to be up to 20c dearer, while 3 score medium weights averaged 375c/kg to hold firm.
Heavy bulls sold to a top price of 351c/kg.

Market Reporter Doug Robson

Records smashed again in steer sale

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