Let them play – new swings, seesaw and cute koala rocker for playground

Tabulam Playground is about to get some exciting new play equipment.

The playground upgrade by Kyogle Council includes a two-bay swing, a cute koala rocker and a seesaw.

The bark softfall will be replaced with a rubber softfall making it a safer area to play – and fall.

A concrete edge strip will be added around the playground to help with grass maintenance.

The new koala rocker.

Council’s maintenance staff recently fixed a drainage issue that was causing rainwater to pool in the playground. The improved drainage will draw water from the new softfall area beneath the play equipment.

The council aims to have these upgrades done by Christmas this year.

This means the playground will be closed from late November through to mid-December.

A new swing set is coming.

This upgrade has been financially supported by state and federal governments through the Community Local Infrastructure Recovery Package.

The council boosted the budget to make sure there would be top notch play equipment and softfall surfacing in the Tabulam Playground.

Here’s what the new seesaw will look like.

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