Mother-daughter recruits joined SES one week after the floods

Natalya and Kelly Hayman joined the Woodburn SES.

Susanna Freymark

Kelly and Natalya Hayman joined the Woodburn SES Unit after last year’s floods.

Their bright orange uniforms are new and the material is still a little stiff in places.

During the floods, they used a tinnie to bring medical supplies and dog food to those stranded by floodwaters.

“A week later we joined the SES,” Kelly said.

“We helped do the door knocking for the second flood.”

After the flood disaster on March 1, a second flood hit the region on March 30.

Kelly and Natalya were thrown in the deep end of another SES emergency.

Both women are clear about staying safe – physically, emotionally and mentally.

“Our commander makes sure we are mentally prepared,” Kelly said.

“You have to look after yourself before you can help anyone else,” Natalya said.

It’s an adrenalin rush as soon as you hear the siren, Kelly said.

To relax, they like to go fishing.

“The bush and beach grounds us,” Kelly said.

Being part of the SES unit is a big support.

“We have buddy systems when you’re a new member,”  Natalya said.

“It’s not just the SES, it’s a family,” Kelly said.

They urged others to think about joining the SES. They get training once a week.

“My 12 and 13 year old sons want to join when they are old enough,” Kelly said.

Unit Commander Ash Slapp there were plenty of roles in the SES that weren’t on the frontline.

Volunteers were needed for admin, catering and community outreach.

For more information on how to join go here.

Natalya Hayman, Kelly Hayman, Minister Jihad Dib, Ash Slapp and Christine Boyle at Woodburn SES. Photos: Susanna Freymark

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